Anna University , Chennai
Third Semester
Department Of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
EC6202-Electronic Devices and Circuits
Question Bank
(Regulation 2013)
Unit I
1. With a neat diagram explain the working of a PN junction diode in forward bias and reverse bias and show the effect of temperature on its V-I characteristics. (16)
2. Explain V-I characteristics of Zener diode. (8)
3. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the working of full wave bridge rectifier and derive the expression for average output current and rectification efficiency. (8)
4. Explain the operation of FWR with centre tap transformer. Also derive the following for
this transformer.dc output voltage (4) dc output current (2) (iv) RMS output voltage. (4)
5. Explain the following regulator circuits : (i) Transistorized shunt regulator. (8) (ii) Zener diode shunt regulator. (8)
6. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the operation of full wave rectifier using center tap
transformer and using bridge rectifier without center tap transformer. Obtain the
expression for peak inverse voltage. (16)
7. With neat diagram explain the construction and working of LED. (8)
8. Explain the working of LCD seven segment display using square wave supply. (8)
9. Explain Insulator, Semiconductor & conductor with help of energy band structure.
10. Write down the expression for transient capacitance and diffution capacitance(8)
11. Why the Zener diode is called as regulator(8)
Unit II
1. Compare the following.DMOSFET& EMOSFET (8)
2. N-channel MOSFET & P-channel MOSFET. (8)
3. Explain the biasing technique for JFET. (16)
4. Explain the construction and characteristics of JFET. (16)
5. Explain the construction and characteristics of EMOSFET. (16)
6. Explain the construction and characteristics of DMOSFET. (16)
7. Explain the biasing characteristics of MOSFET. (16)
8. Explain the working and principle of operation of UJT and mention its applications.(16)
9. Explain the working and characteristics of SCR and its applications. (16)
10. Briefly explain the operation of DIAC (8)
11. Briefly explain the operation of TRIAC (8)
12. Explain the principle and operation of bidirectional switch(16)
Unit III
1. Describe the methods of determination of h-parameters from its static Input and output characteristics. (8)
2. Draw and explain the h-parameter equivalent circuit of a transistor in CC configuration. derive the expressions for input impedance ,output impedance, voltage gain and current gain (16)
3. Explain the switching characteristics of a transistor with neat sketch. (10)
4. Describe the static input and output characteristics of CB configuration of a transistor with neat circuit diagram. (16)
5. Derive the expression for current gain, input impedance and voltage gain of a CE Transistor Amplifier. (16)
6. Draw the circuit for determining the transistor common base characteristics and explain how the characteristics are measured and draw the graphs. (16)
7. For a common emitter circuit draw the h-parameter equivalent circuit and write the expressions for input impedance, output impedance and voltage gain. (16)
8. Explain the midband analysis of single stage CE, CB and CC amplifiers. (16)
9. Explain the analysis of low frequency response of RC coupled amplifiers. (16)
10. Compare the characteristics of the different configurations of BJT amplifiers.(8)
11. Draw and explain the hybrid π model of a CE configuration of a transistor and derive the necessary expressions.(16)
12. Draw and explain the h-parameter equivalent circuit of a transistor in CE configuration. Derive the expressions for input impedance ,output impedance, voltage gain and current gain (16)
Unit IV
1. How to eliminate the cross over distortion.
2. Explain the heat sink design.
3. Explain neutralization techniques
4. Explain working about differential amplifier and derive expression for CMRR
5. Explain transfer characteristics of differential amplifier and derive expression for the same.
6. Explain about single tuned amplifiers
7. Compare the characteristics power amplifiers.
8. Make complete analysis of single tuned amplifier &derive the necessary expressions.
9. Neutrodyne neutralization techniques
10. Hazeltine neutralization techniques
11. Draw a neat circuit diagram and explain working of cascade amplifier and derive the expression for gain and frequency.
12. Describe the input stages of FET amplifiers.
Unit V
1. Explain voltage series and shunt feedback amplifier with an example. (16)
2. Describe the characteristics. Negative feedback. (8)
3. Describe the characteristics Positive feedback. (8)
4. Explain the current series and shunt feedback amplifier with an example. (16)
5. Explain the principle of operation and derive the expression for wein bridge
6. Explain the principle of operation and derive the expression for colpitts oscillator.(16)
7. Derive the expression and characteristics of oscillator
i. RC Phase shift. (8)
ii. Hartley. (8)
8. Explain the operation and advantages of crystal oscillators. (16)
9. comparison of positive and negative feedback(8)
10. Explain the voltage series and current shunt feedback amplifier with an example. (16)
11. Explain the current series and voltageshunt feedback amplifier with an example. (16)
12. Explain about high frequency oscillator working principle.(16)