EC6202- ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS Software Architectures Question Bank
1. Define Semiconductor.
2. Classify Semiconductors.
3. Define Hole Current.
4. Define Knee voltage of a Diode.
5. What is Peak Inverse Voltage?
6. Define Depletion Region in PN Junction Diode.
7. What is Barrier Potential?
8. Define Reverse Saturation Current in PN Junction Diode.
9. What is meant by Diffusion Current in a Semi-conductor?
10. A silicon diode has a saturation current of 7.5 µA at room temperature to 300 °K.
Calculate the saturation current at 400 ° K.
11. What is meant by dynamic resistance of diode?
12. Differentiate between Zener Breakdown and Avalanche breakdown.
13. Define Rectifiers. List the types of Rectifiers.
14. Compare the various types of Rectifiers.
15. Define Voltage Regulators. List the types of Voltage Regulators.
16. What is the necessity of Filters? List the types of Filters.
17. Define Electroluminescence.
18. What are the advantages of LCD Displays?
19. What is transition capacitance
20. Comparison of diffusion and transition capacitance
Unit II
1. Define cutoff voltage of a transistor.
2. What does UJT stands for? Justify the name UJT.
3. Give the symbol and structure of TRIAC.
4. Give the application of TRIAC.
5. Give some applications of DIAC.
6. Give the basic construction and symbol of DIAC.
7. What is a SCR?
8. Define break over voltage of SCR.
9. Why SCR cannot be used as a bidirectional switch.
10. How turning on of SCR is done?
11. Define holding current in a SCR.
12. List the advantages of SCR.
13. List the application of SCR.
14. What is meant by latching?
15. List the important ratings of SCR.
16. Compare SCR with TRIAC.
17. Differentiate BJT and UJT.
18. What is a thyristor?
19. Give the various triggering devices for thyristors.
20. Power MOSFET is a voltage controlled device. Why?
Unit III
1. What is an amplifier?
2. How are amplifiers classified according to the input?
3. How are amplifiers classified according to the transistor configuration?
4. What is the different analysis available to analyze a transistor?.
5. How can a DC equivalent circuit of an amplifier be obtained?
6. List out the parameters of hybrid model.
7. Why CE configuration is preferred over CB configuration
8. Draw the π model circuit for CE
9. Draw the π model circuit for CC
10. Draw the h model circuit for CE
11. Draw the h model circuit for CB
12. draw a source follower circuit.
13. Draw the circuit diagram of CS amplifier.
14. Define base width modulation(early effect).
15. Define current gain and voltage gain.
16. Define input impedance and output impedance of a transistor.
17. Define amplification factors.
18. Define base spreading resistance.
19. Deduce the relation between amplification factors.
20. Define thermal run away and heat sink.
Unit IV
1. What is an amplifier?
2. How are amplifiers classified according to the input?
3. How are amplifiers classified according to the transistor configuration?
4. What is the different analysis available to analyze a transistor?
5. Briefly define about class B amplifier
6. What is cross over distortion?
7. Define Common Mode Rejection Ratio.
8. How can a DC equivalent circuit of an amplifier be obtained?
9. Mention the advantages of Push pull amplifier
10. What is need of Complementary symmetry amplifiers?
11. Difference between common mode and difference mode?
12. Mention the neutralisation techniques
13. Advantages of class-c amplifier
14. What is source follower
15. MOSFET small signal model parameters
16. What is the need of heat sink
17. Compare gain and frequency
18. What is BIMOS cascade amplifier
19. What is single tune amplifier
20. List out the efficiencies of power amplifiers.
Unit V
1. What is feedback?
2. What are feedback amplifiers?
3. What are the types of feedback?
4. What is positive feedback?
5. What is negative feedback?
6. Which feedback decreases the gain of the amplifier?
7. Which feedback increases the gain of the amplifier?
8. What is the advantage of negative feedback?
9. What is the disadvantage of negative feedback?
10. Define sensitivity.
11. Define Desensitivity.
12. What is oscillator circuit?
13. What are the conditions for sustained oscillator or
14. what is Barkhausen criterion?
15. What are the classifications of Oscillators?
16. What is Miller crystal oscillator? Explain its operation.
17. State the frequency for RC phase shift oscillator.
18. Draw the equivalent circuit of crystal oscillator.
19. List out the essential blocks of an oscillator.
20. What is oscillator phase shift?