Anna University
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
EE2201 Measurements and Instrumentation Previous year Anna University 16 Marks Questions
3rd Semester
Regulation 2008
Unit I
1. What are the basic functional blocks of a generalized instrumentation system? Draw the various blocks and explain their functions. (16)
(AUC Apr/May 2010)
2. A circuit was tuned for resonance by eight different students, and the value of resonant
frequency in kHz were recorded as 532, 548, 543, 535, 546, 531, 543 and 536. Calculate (i) the arithmetic mean, (ii) deviation from the mean, (iii) average deviation, and (iv) standard deviation. (16)
(AUC Apr/May 2010)
3. Draw the block diagram of functional elements of an instrument. (8)
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
4. Explain different types of error in an instrument. (8)
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
5. The probable values of two resistors and their standard deviation are specified as R1=18.62, S.D=0.025, R2=74.48, S.D=0.05. Find the probable value and S.D of the two resistors when they are connected in (i) Series (ii) Parallel. (8)
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
6. Discuss the different types of standards of measurements. (8)
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
7. Describe the different types of calibration procedures.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2008)
8. Write a note on different types of errors.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2009)
Unit II
1. With a neat diagram, explain the construction, working principle of single phase wattmeter. What is the importance of deflection torque in these instruments?
(AUC Apr/May 2010)
2. Write short notes on :
(i) Use of current transformer for current and power measurement. (8)
(ii) Working of Weston frequency meter. (8)
3. What are the different types of digital voltmeters and explain any one in detail
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
4. Explain the construction and working principle of electro dynamo meter type wattmeter
5. and derive its torque equation.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
6. Describe how coordinate type potentiometer can be used for calibration of voltmeters and A.C. energy meters.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
Unit III
1. What are the difficulties associated with measurement of low resistance? Describe how low resistance is measured accurately by Kelvin’s double bridge.
(AUC Apr/May 2010)
2. Discuss the effects of electro static and electromagnetic interference in instruments. (8)
and write short notes on Grounding techniques. (8)
(AUC Apr/May 2010)
3. Draw the sketch of modern slide wire DC potentiometer and describe how it standardized
(AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
4. Describe the working principle of a Kelvin double bridge and derive the expression for unknown resistance.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
5. Discuss briefly how Hay Bridge is used for the calculation of unknown inductance.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2011)
6. With a neat sketch describe a bridge to determine the unknown inductance and a bridge to determine the unknown capacitance.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2009)
7. Explain the grounding techniques in detail to reduce the ground loop interference Signal.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2009)
Unit IV
1. Explain the principle of working of a magnetic tape recorder. What are its basic components and their functions?
(AUC Apr/May 2010)
2. Briefly discuss the use of LED and LCD as display devices in instrumentation. Comment on their relative merits and demerits.
(AUC Apr/May 2010)
3. Explain the contruction and working principle of X-Y recorder.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
4. Briefly discuss the difference between digital plotters and printers.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
5. Explain the working principle of electrostatic deflection system in a CRT.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
6. Explain the working principle of CRO.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
7. Write notes on (i) Magnetic disk and tape
(ii) Recorders and printers.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2008)
8. Explain the contruction and working principle of a CRO.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2008)
9. (a) Describe the LED and LCD display devices.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2009)
(b) Describe the direct and frequency modulation magnetic tape recording types. Give its merits and demerits.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2009)
Unit V
1. Explain the principle of the following transducers (i) Strain gauges (8) (ii) Piezoelectric transducers. (8)
(AUC Apr/May 2010)
2. What is data acquisition system? Give the block diagram arrangement of a data acquisition system and describe the function of each component. (16) (
AUC Apr/May 2010)
3. Explain the construction of bounded and unbounded strain gauges.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
4. Explain the contruction and working principle of optical encoders with neat sketch.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
5. Draw the block diagram of data acquisition system and explain.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
6. Explain the successive approximation type of A/D converter.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
7. Explain the method of measurement of resistance using strain gauges.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2008)
8. Describe the various factors that influence the type of transducer for particular application.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2008)
9. Explain the operation of A/D converter.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
10. What are the selection criteria for the transducer? Explain the working principle of LVDT with neat sketch and characteristics. Give advantages, disadvantages and applications of LVDT.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2009)
11. What are the performance parameters of Analog to Digital Converter? Explain any two basic A/D conversion techniques in detail.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2009)