#8 - Daily 10 English to Tamil Words with sentences
1) Scatter (];Nfl;lH) - rpjwy;.
fz;zhbj; Jz;Lfs; xt;nthU jpirapYk; rpjwpaJ.
Ex : pieces of glass were lying scattered in every
2) Priest (g;uP];l;) - g+rhup.
g+rhup Foe;ijfis
Ex : The priest
blessed the childrens.
3) Ruffle (ugpy;) - RUf;F.
khiy fhw;W g+kpapd; Nkw;gug;ig RUf;fpaJ.
: The evening breeze ruffled the surface of the earth.
4) Ancient (Vd;rpad;l;) - gz;ila.
ehd; gz;ila nkhopfis fw;W nfhs;s tpUk;GfpNwd;.
Ex : I like to learn ancient languages.
5) Valiant (Ntypad;l;) - ijupak;.
mtH ijupakhd Kaw;rpia Nkw;nfhz;lhH.
Ex : She made a valiant effort .
6) Ambitious (Vk;gpa];) - yl;rpa.
mJ xU yl;rpakhd jpl;lkhFk;.
Ex : It is an ambitious project.
7) Cursed (fH];l;) - rhgk;.
ehd; cdf;F xU rhgk; itf;f NghfpNwd;.
Ex : I'm going to put a curse on you.
8) Dormant (lhHnkd;l;) - nrayw;W.
FspHfhyj;jpy; tUlhe;jpu tpijfs; mbf;fb KjpHr;rp
milAk; NghJ
nrayw;W ,Uf;Fk.
Ex : Seeds of winter annuals are often dormant at
9) Dispatch (b\;Ng[;) - mDg;G.
mtH jdJ fbjj;ij mDg;gpitj;jhH.
Ex : He dispatched his letter.
10) Frigid (/gpup[pl;) - czHr;rpaw;w.
fLk; kioapd; fhuzkhf vd; fhy;
czHr;rpaw;wjha; khwpaJ.
Ex : Due to
the heavy rain my leg was frigid.