CY2111 Engineering Chemistry-I Jan 2014 Important Questions - 1st Semester Important Questions Regulation 2008 - CY2111 Important Questions - Engineering Chemistry-I Important Questions - CY2111 Part B Important Questions - CY2111 Important 16 Marks Questions
Unit I
1. What are boiler troubles? How are they Caused? Suggest Steps to Minimize the Boiler Troubles
2. Explain how Sterilization of water carried out using chlorine? Give the Mechanism.
3. Describe de-mineralisation process of water softening. Explain the Reactions involved.
4. Explain the EDTA method of estimation of hardness of water.
5. What is Desalination? Describe desalination by reverse osmosis method with neat diagram.
6. Describe in detail various methods of Water Treatment.
Unit II
1. Explain the process of Vulcanization.
2. Distinguish between thermoplastics and thermosetting plates.
3. Mention the differences between addition and condensation polymerization.
4. Write the free radical polymerization mechanism.
5. Discuss the preparation, properties and uses of i) Nylon-6,6 ii) SBR iii) Teflon iv) PET
6. Write note on Polymer-matrix composites.
Unit III
1. Define adsorption isotherm. Explain the various types of adsorption isotherm.
2. Derive Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
3. Explain the role adsorbents in pollution absorbent.
4. Discuss the role of adsorbents in catalytic reaction.
5. Differentiate between physorption and chemisorption.
5. What re the factors influencing the adsorption of gases on solids.
Unit IV
1. Give an account of light water nuclear reactor with a neat diagram.
2. Describe the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy.
3. Give an account of H2 - O2 Fuel Cell.
4. Write note on Nuclear chain and fission reaction.
5. Explain the construction and working of Lead acid battery.
6. Write note on NICAD Battery.
Unit V
1. Explain any five important Properties of refractories.
2. How are alumina and magnesite bricks manufactured?
3. Write a short notes on Synthetic abrasive.
4. Explain the mechanism of lubrication.
5. Draw and explain the structure of molybdenum Disulphide and its uses as a solid Lubricant.
6. Explain the structure of CNTs
7. Explain briefly the application of Nano materials.