Tamilnadu Open University
Third Year
Corporate Secretaryship
Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75
SECTІON A — (3 × 5 = 15 markѕ)
Answer any THREE questions.
Each answer should not exceed 2 pages
1. Discuss the scope of Business finance.
2. What is share? What are its kinds?
3. What is meant by leverage?
4. Discuss the objectives of inventory management.
5. Discuss the different types of dividend.
SECTІON B — (4 × 15 = 60 markѕ)
Answer any FOUR questions.
Each answer should not exceed 5 pages.
6. What are the various functions of a finance manager?
7. What is debenture? What are its features?
8. State the merits and demerits of preference shares.
9. How will you compute the weighted Average cost of capital?
10. Explain the types of Leverages.
11. What are the factors that determine the working capital requirements of Business?
12. What are the factors that influence the dividend policy?