Anna University
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
EC2311 Communication Engineering Question Bank - 16 Mark Quetions
5th Semester
Regulation 2008
Unit I
1. Draw the block diagram for the generation and demodulation of a VSB signal and explain the principle of operation.
2. Discuss the coherent detection of DSB-SC modulated wave with a block diagram of detector and Explain.
3. Explain the generation of AM signals using square law modulator
4. Explain the superhetrodyne receiver
Unit II
1 . Illustrate QPSK
2. Write a note on Delta modulation
3.Explain DPCM
4. Write a detail note on PWM,PAM,PPM
Unit III
1. Discuss Source coding theorem, give the advantage and disadvantage of channel coding in detail, and discuss the data compaction.
2. Explain in detail Huffman coding algorithm and compare this with the other types of coding.
3. Explain the properties of entropy and with suitable example, explain the entropy of binary memory less source.
4. What is entropy? Explain the important properties of entropy.
5. What do you mean by binary symmetric channel? Derive channel capacity formula for symmetric channel.
Unit IV
1. Explain TDMA in detail
2. Write a note on cellular CDMA
3. Compare TDMA, CDMA, SDMA :advantages and drawbacks
Unit V
1. Explain about launching orbits. (16)
2. Explain the different multiple access techniques used in satellite(16)
3. Discuss (16)
(b) Insat
4. Write a note on different satellite orbits (6)