Anna University
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Regulation 2008
CS2311 Object Oriented Programming Question Bank - 16 Marks Questions
5th Semester
Unit I
1.Illustrate the function overloading concept with a C++ program to find the volume of cube and cylinder
2.Explain the basic concepts of oops with suitable Examples
3.Write a C++ program to construct student mark list for three subjects. Write the program to display name,rollno,marks,avg and total.Use clss and objects.
4.Explain the control structures in C++
5.Define Call by reference and Return by reference.
Unit II
1.Explain the Friend function concept with an example program.
2.What is Dynamic Initialisation of objects?Give a program to illustrate your answer.
3.Explain the constructor concept with its types with example programs.
4.Explain the concept of objects as functional arguments.
5.Write a C++ program to manage a bank account using classes and objects.
Unit III
1.Explain virtual function concept with a program to find the distance between two objects.
2.Explain the Inheritance types with example programs for last three types.
3.What do u meant by operator overloading?what are its types?Explain the types with eg programs.
4.Expalin single and multiple Inheritance with an example of your own.
5.Describe manipulation of strings with overloading the following operators:<<,>>,+,-
Unit IV
1.Explain Method overriding in Java with an eg.
2.Construct the pictorial representation of Java Virtual Machine.
3.Write a program in java using constructor concept.
4.What are the different statements and its use in java?
5.Illustrate Inheritance in Java with suitable program.
6.Give a explanatory answer to define the difference between Java and C++,Characteristics of Java and the concepts in java
Unit V
1.Explain the Life cycle of Thread with an eg
2.Describe package concept to perform arithmetic operations.Explain how to use it?
3.Explain the different states in Life cycle of applet?
4.Define Interfaces?Explain the extension of interfaces,implementation and accessing it.
5.What are the Different Exceptions caught,Explain the types with eg program.
6.Explain try, catch and finally statements with eg.