The second & Final phase of counseling for
admission into B.Ed.(DM) will be conducted on 24.02.2013 at 9.30 a.m. at the office of the Director, Directorate of
Admissions, University, Hyderabad to fill up the existing vacancies, which are indicated below:
Mathematics (MS) – 9 Vacancies
Physical Sciences (PS) - 7 Vacancies
Biological Science (BS) -17 Vacancies
Social Studies (SS) -31 Vacancies
English (EM) - 39 Vacancies
All those candidates who could not get the admission
during 1st phase of counselling and those who want to change the
college may attend the counselling.
However the allotment of admission
is subject to the availability
vacancy. The instructions and fee details will be same as that given for 1stphase