PART – A ( 2
1. Define protective relay.
2. Give the types of
electromagnetic relays.
3. What are the essential
qualities of a relay?
4. How the relays are basically
5. What is meant by directional
6. What is differential relay and
list the applications of differential relay.
7. What is R-X diagram?
1. What are the different types
of electromagnetic relays? Discuss their field of
applications. (16)
2. What are the various types of
over current relays? Discuss their area of application. (16)
3. Describe the operating
principle, constructional features and area of applications of reverse power or
directional relay. (16)
4. Describe the construction and
principle of operation of an induction type directional over current relay.
5. Explain the working principle
of distance relays. (16)
6. Write a detailed note on
differential relays. (16)
7. Describe the realization of a
directional over current relay using a microprocessor. (16)
8. Derive a generalized
mathematical model of distance relays for digital protection. (16)
9. (a) How can digital distance
relaying algorithm be implemented on the 8086 Microprocessor? (8)
(b) It is possible to implement these algorithms on
the 8085micro processor? (8)