Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission into the following courses for the academic year 2012-2013.
Post M.Sc. Diploma in Radiological Physics:
The course is offered at Department of Physics, Osmania University in collaboration with MNJ Institute of Oncology & Regional Cancer Center and Indo– American Cancer Centre, Hyderabad. Candidates with M.Sc. (Physics/Nuclear Physics) or an equivalent course with at least 60% marks are eligible to apply.
5 Yr. Integrated PG Programmes:
The courses are M.Sc. inChemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry offered by Osmania, Palamuru and Mahatma Gandhi Universities and M.B.A. at Mahatma Gandhi University. Further details including eligibility conditions are given in
Information Brochure.
Application forms and ICR sheets for above courses along with the Information Brochures can be downloaded from OU website: Candidates can submit the filled-in applications along with a demand draft for Rs.800/- (towards registration fee) drawn in favour of “The Director, Directorate of Admissions, O.U., Hyderabad”, either in person or by post, to the Director, Directorate of Admissions, Near PGRR Centre for Distance Education, Osmania University, Hyderabad – 500007. The last date for submission is 31.08.2012 by 4.00 p.m.