Registration fee:
Faculties of various Universities/ UGC approved colleges/AICTE colleges are required to pay Rs.5000 . Research Scholars and M.Phil Students can register with Rs.4000 .
No registration fee from faculty and students of our Institute. Kindly pay the registration fee, through a Bank draft drawn in favour of CEP-STC, IITKharagpur
Last date for receiving applications: 30.08.2012
Course Dates:
3 -7 September, 2012
IIT Kharagpur is situated 116 km away from Kolkata, and it is the oldest and the largest amongst all the IITs. Kharagpur is an important junction in the south
Eastern Railways, and is well connected to all major cities in India. The IIT is about 5 km from Kharagpur railway station, and is accessible by rickshaws, autos, and taxis from the station.
How to Apply
Interested participants should download the complete application form from the
IIT website and submit the hard copy to the coordinator at the mailing address
mentioned below. Last date for receiving applications: Participants would be intimated about other necessary details as soon as they communicate to us. Accommodation would be provided by the Institute facilities.
For more details click the link below