EE 26 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
( Common to Civil, Mechanical, Automobile, Marine, B.Tech Biotechnology
and B.Tech, Polymer)
Part-A (10×2=20 Marks)
1. State Ohm’s law.
2. Define the term power factor
3. What is a transformer?
4. Write the EMF equation of a DC generator.
5. What is a semiconductor ? Give example?
6. What is a voltage regulator?
7. Write the truth table of NAND gate.
8. What is a flipflop?
9. Define the term Modulation?
10. What is need for carrier signal in modulation?
Part-B (5×16=80 Marks)
1. (a) With neat diagram explain the operating principle of attraction type moving iron instruments. (16)
b) i) Explain the working principle of dynamometer type Wattmeter. (12)
ii) State Kirchoff’s Current and Voltage law. (6)
12. a) With neat diagram explain the construction and working principle of DC Generator. (16)
b) With necessary diagram explain the working principle of transformer and obtain its EMF equation. (16)
13. a)Define the term biasing. With neat sketch explain the VI Characteristics of PN junction diode. (16)
b) Explain the input and output characteristics of a transistor in CE configuration. (16)
14. a) Construct a half adder and full adder circuits from its truth table and draw its logical diagram. (16)
b) i) Draw the logical diagram of Clocked RS flip flop and explain its truth table. (12)
ii) Construct a 3-bit synchronous counter using suitable flip flop. (6)
15. a) With neat sketch explain the principle of Amplitude and frequency
modulation. (16)
b) Draw the block diagram of Radio Transmission and Receiving system and explain each block. (16)