Engineering Chemistry II
Second semester ( Regulation 2008)
Part-A ( 10×2 = 20 Marks)
1. Describe standard hydrogen electrode.
2. Can we use a nickel spatula to stir a solution of copper sulphate? Give reason.
3. Write any four effects of corrosion.
4. Write the principle of electroless plating.
5. Define calorific value. Mention its units.
6. What are the uses of LPG.
7. Explain triple point.
8. What are the components present in stainless steel?
9. What are the limitations of flame photometry?
10. What are absorbance and transmittance?
Part – B( 5×16=80 Marks)
11. a) i) Describe Western standard cell.
ii) Calculate the oxidation potential of Cu | Cu2+ 0.5 M at 25OC
E ( Cu2+, Cu ) = + 0.34 V
iii) Sketch and explain the conductometric titration between HCL and NaOH.
b) i) The emf of the cell consisting of a hydrogen electrode and normal calomel electrode is 0.53 V. Ecell = 0.28 V. Calculate the pH of the solution .
ii) Calculate the emf of the following cell at 25oC.
Cu | Cu2+ 0.01 M || Cu2+ 0.01 M | Cu
12. a) i) Explain dry corrosion.
ii) How does the purity of metal affect corrosion?
iii) Compare sacrificial anode method with impressed current method.
b) i) What are the requisites of a good paint?
ii) Describe the electroplating of gold.
iii) What are the various steps of electroless plating?
13. a) i) Explain knocking, centane number
ii) Describe the manufacture of water gas.
iii) Write a note on metallurgical coke.
b) i) A coal sample on analysis C- 85% H – 4.5% S – 1 % O – 2% and the rest ash . Find the theoretical amount of air required per 2 Kg of the coal burnt.
ii) How is synthetic coal produced by Fischer Tropsch process?
iii) What are the importance of flue gas analysis?
14. a) i) Explain phase and degree of freedom.
ii) Discuss the phase diagram of Pb - Ag system.
iii) Describe any two heat treatment of steel.
b) i) Discuss thermal analysis and phase diagram.
ii) What is alloys? How are they classified?
iii) Write the important uses of nickel, brass, bronze.
15. a) i) Calculate wave number, frequency, and one quantum energy for the radiation of 3000 A
ii) Derive Beer lambert's law.
iii) Discuss the IR spectrum of CO2
b) i) A Solution containing 30 g L-1 of dye in a1 cm cells absorbs 50 % of the light. Under the same conditions What percentage of light will be absorbed by a solution containing 15 g L-1 of the same dye?
ii) How is sodium estimated using flame photometry?
iii)What are the applications of absorption spectroscopy?