CY6151 Engineering Chemistry I Important Questions Jan 2014 - Anna University CY6151 Jan 2014 Important Questions - 1st Semester Regulation 2013 Important Questions - CY6151 Important Questions Regulation 2013 - Part B CY6151 Important Questions Jan 2014
Unit I
1. Explain various Classification of the Polymers with examples.
2. Difference between thermosets and thermoplastics with suitable example.
3. Explain condensation, addition polymerization with suitable example
4. Explain the free radical mechanism, ionic mechanism (or) Cationic & Anionic of additional polymerization in detail.
5. explain the bulk, emulsion and suspension polymerization in detail.
Unit II
1. Derive Gibb's Helmolz equation and discuss its applications.
2. Derive the Clausius - Clapeyron and discuss its applications.
3. Derive Maxwell Relations with necessary equations
4. What is meant by Vant Hoff Isotherm? Derive Expression (May Ask any one)
Problems Like this May Asked: (1) Calculate enthalpy, entropy of the reaction, Calculate the equilibrium constant.
Unit III
1. Derive the expression for the Beer-Lamvert's law. (Study Everything related like Limitation, application, equation, description, advantages, disadvantages)
2. Explain the working of IR Spectroscopy and Discuss its application.
3. Explain the working of UV Spectroscopy and discuss its application.
4. Explain radioactive and non-radioactive pathways for electronics transition using Jablonski diagram.
Unit IV
1. Explain the phase diagram of water system with neat sketch
2. Explain the Various heat treatment process
3. explain Lead-Silver and Zn-Mg alloy system with neat diagram.
4. Explain in detail about phase rule and give its limitation.
Unit V
1. write about nano particles. Discuss various methods of preparation of nano particles.
2. Discuss the hydro thermal and electrodeposition techniques for synthesis of nano particles.
3. What are carbon nano tubes and how carbon nano tubes synthesized? Explain their types, properties and applications.
4. what are nano materials? Discuss the types of carbon nano tubes and applications
5. Discuss CVD and laser ablation techniques for the synthesis of nano particles.
Note: These are the expected questions. This Important questions may or may not come for University Examinations. Study according to the Syllabus and give Importance to this questions also.