Anna University
CS2301 - Software Engineering Important Questions
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Regulation 2008
1. Explain the process model that couples the iterative nature of prototyping with the controlled and
systematic aspects of waterfall model?
2. Explain the process model which is useful when staffing is unavailable for complete implementation?
3. Discuss major areas of the application of the software ?
4. Elaborate on Business Process Engineering and Product Engineering
1. Explain in detail the various steps applied to develop complete and accurate models using structured
2. Discuss in detail the Requirement Engineering Process. What is the major difference between user
requirements and system requirements?
3. Explain with example diagram the functional and behavioral modeling. How do we model the
software’s reaction to some external event?
4. What are prototyping techniques? How are prototype models prepared for a software process?
1. Explain the design steps of Transform mapping and transaction mapping?
2. Explain the fundamental software design concepts in detail?
3. How are interrupts handled in real time systems? Explain in detail
4. What are the characteristics of good design? Describe different types of coupling and cohesion. How
design evaluation is performed? 5. Explain the ways and means for collecting the software requirement.
How are they organized and represented.
1. What are the formulas for cyclomatic complexity? Calculate the cyclomatic complexity for greatest of
three numbers?
2. How is cyclomatic complexity computed? Calculate cyclomatic complexity for the Program to find the
greatest of three numbers?
3. Explain about boundary value analysis testing?
4. Explain the integration testing. What are the steps for top-down integration and bottom-up
integration? Compare and contrast top-down and bottom-up integration testing?
1. Explain the core activities involved in User Interface Design process with necessary block diagrams
2. Explain the ways and means for collecting the software requirement. How are they organized and
3. What is the need for software maintenance and maintenance report?
4. Explain the CASE repository function in detail?
5. Explain the various method encountered in cost estimation?