Electromagnetic Fields.
Part A.
1)What are the different types of coordinates available.
2)State coulombs law.
3)State Biot savarts law.
4)What are the applications of lorentz force.
5)Define magnetization.
6)Draw the BH curve for magnetic materials.
7)Define lenzs law.
8)Writethe point form of maxwells equation.
9)What is brewster angle.
10)What is skin effect.
Part B.
1)Write detail on Co ordinate systems.
2)What is divergence and curl of a vector.
3)State and prove gauss law.
4)Derive amperes circuital law.
5)Find the magnetic field intensity due to finite length of wire carrying current in magnetic field intensity at square loop.
6)Obtain the expression for scalar and vector magnetic potential
7)Derive an expression for magnetic field intensity on the axis of a circular loop of a radius'a' and carrying current 'I'.
8)Derive an expression for inductance of a solenoid.
9)State and explain boundary conditions between two dielectries with permitivites.
10)Derive poission and laplace equations.
11)Derive an expression for co efficient of coupling.
12)Explain maxwells equationsin differential and integral forms.
13)Derive modified form of amperes circuital law.
14)State and explain poynting theorem and poynting vector.
15)Derive the gendral wave equation.
16)Explain wave motion in good conductors.
17)Explain reflection of plane waves by a perfect dielectrics.