Unit I
1.What is meant by operating systems?
2.How we make a real time projects? Give few examples.
3.Difference between distributed and clustered systems?
4.What is meant by client-server model?
5.When we declare as remote login session.
6. Define FTP vs HTTP.
7. Which systems are called tightly coupled systems.
8. Difference between Batch Systems and Time sharing systems.
9. What is meant by abstract view of system.
10. What is kernel.
Unit II
1. What is meant by IPC?
2. what is meant by semaphores?
3. Define Critical section.
4. What are the requirement that must required for Critical section
5. What are the constraints in Dinning philosopher’s algorithm.
6. What is meant by mutual exclusion.
7. Declare the structure for monitors.
8. Declare the structure for Critical section.
9. List out two methods for synchronous and Asynchronous tasks.
10. What is the use of system call to perfom I/O? Draw diagram.
11. How we protect CPU using hardware address protection.
12. What is the main difference between WAN and LAN.
13. Cache coherency situation.
Unit III
1. What is deadlock?
2. What are the conditions necessary to hold for deadlock occur?
3. JVM.
4. Device drivers and DLM
5. Which buffering capacity referred as automatic buffering.
6. Queuing diagram for process scheduling.
7. What is meant by Threads.& Green threads.
8. How multi threading that improve performance over a single threaded solution.
9. Difference between Preemptive and Non-Premptive.
10. Define Turnaround time, waiting time, response time and throughput.
Unit IV
1. Define Virtual memory.
2. Page fault rate?
3. Write about Thrashing. Exactly when it occurs with diagram.
4. Effective access time in Pager.
5. Define TLB? With diagram.
6. What is meant by External and Internal Fragmentation?
7. Distinguish between Prepaging and Demand Paging.
8. Which algorithm is most effective for Page replacement Policy.
9. What are the concepts behind in Swapping and Paging.
10. Give two more comparison about segmentation and paging with/without Virtual scheme.
Unit V
1. What is meant by OS platform independent?
2. How Linux Process Control made?
3. In Laptop and Mobile, Which OS is utilized?
4. What is meant by Consistency Semantics?
5. What is DNS?
6. Explain about Winsock?
7. Write about Windows2000 File Protection and security services.
8. In Disk Scheduling algorithm Objective?
9. Define Seek time and Bandwidth.
10. Explain LDAP.