The following is the schedule for payment of Examination
fee for I/V B.Arch. 2nd Semester (NR), II/V B.Arch. 2nd Semester, III/V
B.Arch. 2nd Semester and I/V
B.Arch.Supplementary Examinations to be held in 21-01-2013:
1. Last date for payment of Examination fee and
submission of applications to the Principal: 18-01-2013
2. Last date for payment of fee with a late fee of Rs.100/-and submission of
applications to the
Principal: 19-01-2013
3. Last date for submission of Nominal rolls to the Controller
of Examinations, ANU by the Principal along with consolidated demand Draft
drawn in favour of Registrar, A.N.U.
payable to SBI, ANU campus (afternoon 5.00 pm): 19-01-2013
4. Date of commencement of Examinations:
I/V First Year (OR) : 21-01-2013
I/V 2nd Semester (NR) : 21-01-2013
II/V 2nd Semester (OR) : 22-01-2013
III/V 2nd Semester (OR) : 22-01-2013