is the last date for receipt of the applications for Revaluation with fee of
Rs.465/- for each paper, for retotalling Rs.265/- for each paper and for
personal identification with fee of Rs.605/- for each paper without fines and
with a fine of Rs.200/- (for each paper) from 01-11-2012 to 05-11-2012. The
prescribed application can be had from the Controller of Examinations,
S.V.University, Tirupati - 517 502, on requisition by sending a self-addressed
stamped (Rs. 5/-) envelope.
The prescribed applications will only be considered
for the above purpose. The failed candidates who are applying for revaluation
are advised to send their applications for registration to appear for the
ensuing Examinations without waiting for the revaluation result which may come
either before starting of examinations or after.