Venue :
Directorate of Admissions, near PGRR Centre for Distance Education, OU Campus,
Date & Time
: 26.10.2012 at 10.00 A.M.
You are advised to attend the counseling
for admission into MBA (Part-time: Evening) 3 years programme offered at (I).
Department of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad, and (II).
Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Osmania
University Campus, Hyderabad. The date, time and Venue of the counselling are
as mentioned above. You are required to report for the counseling along with
the requisite fee and the original certificates as given below.
Fee Details:
1). Department
of Business Management, O.U: Total Fee: Rs.25,690/- for three years + Counseling
Fee Rs.1000/-. However, candidate has to be pay Rs.13,020/- at the time of
counseling and remaining fee should be paid in 2nd & 3rd year in
the college.
2). Institute of
Public Enterprise (IPE), OU Campus, Hyderabad: Total Fee: 1,00,000/- for
six semesters + Counseling Fee Rs.1000/-. However at the time of admission, the
candidate has to pay Rs. 20,400/- and remaining fee should be paid at the
institute during each semester as will be prescribed by the institute.
Certificates to
be submitted at the time of Counseling:
a). Hall Ticket-ICET-2012 b).
Rank Card-ICET-2012 c). Qualifying Degree /Provisional Certificate d). Original
Transfer Certificate from the College last studied e). Memorandum of Marks of
the qualifying examination f). Community, Nativity and Date of Birth
Certificate for SC/ST/BC candidates as per G.O. Ms. No. 58, Social Welfare (J)
Department, dated: 12.05.2007 g). Proof of Local/Non-Local: Bonafied(study) certificates
of Degree, Intermediate or equivalent, SSC and 9th Class h). Service
Certificate(s): as mentioned in the information brochure
downloaded along with application form i) Two sets of Xerox copies of above certificates
j). Two photographs.
1. Your admission into the
program is subject to the submission of all the certificates in original and the
payment of total first year fee on the spot. Fee once paid, will not be
2. More number of candidates is
being called than the seats available. Therefore, mere attending the counseling
does not guarantee a seat.
3. Arrangements are being made at
the venue for obtaining Demand Draft for the requisite fee.
Note: For further
details, you may contact: 040-27090136