Notice for Admission to M.A. Course in Journalism & Mass Communication (Session 2012-13)
Applications are invited for admission to the above mentioned course.
No. of seats: 85 (including all categories).
Direct Admission: A maximum of fifty-one (51) seats will be allotted for Direct Admission (i.e., exempted from Written Admission Test). Honours Graduates in Journalism & Mass Communication ( in the System of 10+2+3) under Calcutta University are eligible to apply for Direct Admission. The merit list of the deserving candidates selected for Direct Admission be made on the basis of marks obtained in the Honours subject (Journalism & Mass Communication).
Admission through Written Admission Test:
Thirty-four (34) seats (including a maximum of 05 seats reserved for Working
Journalists) will be filled through a Written Admission Test. Honours graduates (under 10+2+3 system) in any discipline/successful candidates in Communicative English (Major) from any recognized University (age within 30 years as on 01. 06. 2012) / Working Journalists ( preferably Hounours graduates from any recognized University with 3 years experience in any media and within 35 years of age as on 01. 06. 2012) are eligible to apply for admission through Written Admission Test.
How to Apply:
Prescribed Application Forms for all categories are available at the University Sales Counter, College Street Campus, Kolkata -73 from 23rd July to 8th August 2012 between 11 am to 3 pm.
Price of the Application Forms:
(a) Eligible candidates may obtain the Application Forms for selection through the Written Admission Test on payment of Rs 400/- (Rupees Four hundred only).
(b) However, Honours Graduates in Journalism and Mass Communication who are eligible for Direct Admission, as stated above, may obtain prescribed Application Forms on payment of Rs 50/- (Rupees Fifty only) on production of Honours Part III mark sheet.
Last date for submission of duly filled in Applications (for all categories): 8th August 2012.
The duly filled-in applications (for all categories) along with the requisite enclosures are to be submitted to the office of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. Admit Cards for the Written Admission Test will be distributed from the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Date of Written Admission Test:
Sunday, 12th August 2012 at 12 noon. Venue: Asutosh Building, Calcutta University, College Street Campus.
Publication of the List of Selected Candidates:
(a) The merit list of the deserving candidates selected for Direct Admission as
stated above will be published on 10th August 2012. (b)The merit list of the deserving candidates selected through Written Admission Test will be published on 28h August 2012.
Admission for all categories will commence on 29th August 2012.
Classes to commence: On 17th September 2012.
N.B.: Reservation for the SC/ST/Physically Handicapped candidates as per rules and University norms. The SC/ST candidates would write “SC/ST candidate” on the top of his/her application form and they must attach attested photocopy of SC/ST certificate from the office of the S.D.O. Physically handicapped candidates must mention the words “Physically Handicapped” on the top of his/her application form and must attach a certificate from the Competent Authority. For further information you may contact the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication (Phone: 033-2219 4081). All
concerned are also requested to visit the University website ( All notices regarding selection (admission test/admission, etc.) are put up on the Notice Board of the Department and the University is not under any obligation to send such information to any individual candidate.