Conduct of BPP / MCP-BC Examinations August 2012
The BPP / MCP-BC Examinations, for the Non-formal students admitted during AY-2010, CY-2011, AY-2011, CY-2012 and also for the students admitted till AY-2009 also will be held on 19th August 2012 (Sunday Forenoon 10.00am to 1.00pm). The Hall tickets will be sent to the students residential address. The Hall tickets can also be downloaded form the following websites one week prior to the BPP Examinations.
The BPP / MCP-BC Examinations will be held in following the examination centres. The students are requested to appear for the BPP Examinations by producing Hall ticket along with Identity Card / Admit Card issued by the TNOU.
Click the below link to download the exam centers: