Unit III
Magnetic Materials
1. What is Bohr magnetron?
2. What is curie constant? Or what is curie law?
3. Give curie – Weiss law and its importance?
4. What is ferromagnetism?
5. What are ferromagnetic materials?
6. What are the properties of ferromagnetic materials?
7. What is domain theory of ferromagnetism?
8. Mention the energies involved in origin of domains in ferromagnetic material.
9. What is antiferromagnetism?
10. What are ferrites and mention its types.
11. State the applications of ferrites.
12. What is hysteresis in magnetic materials?
13. What is meant by hysteresis loss?
14. What are soft magnetic materials?
15. State the properties of soft magnetic materials.
16. Mention few soft magnetic materials and their applications.
17. What are hard magnetic materials?
18. State the properties of hard magnetic materials.
19. Mention few hard magnetic materials and their applications.
20. Differentiate soft and hard magnetic materials.
21. Mention few magnetic storage devices.
22. What are the required magnetic parameters for recording?
23. What is diamagnetism?
24. What are diamagnetic materials?
25. What are the properties of diamagnetic materials?
26. What is paramagnetism?
27. What are the properties of paramagnetic materials?
28. What are paramagnetic materials?
Super conducting materials
1. Explain the phenomenon of superconductivity.
2. What is transition temperature?
3. What are the properties of a superconductor?
4. What is Meissner effect?
5. Explain the term critical magnetic field in superconductor.
6. What is isotope effect in superconductivity?
7. What are high Tc superconductors? Give an example.
8. What are the properties of high Tc superconductors?
9. What are the applications of superconductors?
10. Give any two applications of superconductors in engineering and medical field.
11. What are type-I superconductors?
12. What are type-II superconductors?
13. Distinguish between type-I and type-II superconductors?
14. What is magnetic levitation?
15. What is SQUID?
16. What are superconductors?