Anna university syllabus
Engineering Physics II
Regulation 2008
( Common to all branches )
Unit-1 Conducting materials
Conductors - classical free electron theory of metals - Electrical and thermal conductivity - Wiedmann - Franz law - Lorentz number - Drawbacks of classical theory - Quantum theory - Fermi distribution function - Effect of temperature on Fermi function - Density of energy states - carrier concentration in metals.
Unit-2 Semiconducting Materials
Intrinsic semiconductor - Carrier concentration derivation - Fermi level - Variation of fermi level with temperature - Electrical conductivity - Band gap determination - extrinsic semiconductors - carrier concentration derivation in n-type and p-type semiconductor - variation of fermi level with temperature and impurity concentration - compound semiconductors - Hall effect - Determination of Hall coefficient - Applications.
Unit-3 Magnetic and superconducting materials
Origin of magnetic moment - Bohr magnetron - Dia and para magnetism - Ferro magnetism - Domain theory - Hysteresis - Soft and hard magnetic materials - anti - ferromagnetic materials - Ferrites - Applications - magnetic recording and readout - Storage of magnetic data - tapes, floppy and magnetic disk drivers.
Superconductivity: Properties - Types of superconductors - BCS theory of superconductivity - High Tc semiconductors - SQUID, cryotron, magnetic levitation
Unit-4 Dielectric Materials
Electrical susceptibility - dielectric constant - electronic, ionic, orientational and space charge polarization - frequency and temperature dependence of polarization - internal field - Classius - Mossoti relation - Dielectric loss - dielectric breakdown - uses of dielectric materials - ferroelectricity and applications.
Unit-5 Modern Engineering materials
Metallic glasses: Preparation, properties and applications. Shape memory alloys: Characteristics properties NiTi alloy, application, advantages and disadvantages of SMA.
Nanomaterials: Synthesis - plasma arcing - chemical vapour deposition - solgels - electrodeposition - Ball milling - properties of nanoparticles and applications.
Carbon nanotubes: Fabrication - arc method - pulsed laser deposition - Chemical vapour deposition - structure - properties and applications.