Anna University
CE2254 Surveying-II Important Two Mark Questions
Unit I
1. What are the three types of telescope used in stadia surveying?
2. What are the advantages of an anallactic lens used in tacheometer?
3. List merits and demerits of movable hair method in tacheometric survey.
4. Compare tangential and stadia methods.
5. What is the difference between a theodolite and tacheometer?
6. What is tangential tacheometry?
7. What are the different systems of tacheometric survey?
8. What is a Base net?
1. What is meant by third order or tertiary triangulation?
2. Explain the terms true error and most probable error.
3. Name two groups of people involved in the measuring the base line .
4. What is a satellite station?
5. What is meant by phase of a signal?
6. Enlist the types of signals used in triangulation.
7. What are the corrections to be applied for terrestrial refraction in geodetic surveying?
8. Give the classification of triangulation system.
1. How are normal equations formed in theory of errors?
2. Explain the term constellations of the zodiac.
3. List three types of errors occur in measurement.
4. What are the conditions to be satisfied when correcting the measured angles?
5. Differentiate between conditioned quantity and conditional equation.
6. Define weight of an observation.
7. What are the corrections to be applied to the observed altitude of sun?
8. What are the advantages of total station as compared to a theodolite?
1. What are the types of night signals to be used in triangulation survey?
2. Give the relationship for conversion of sidereal time to mean time.
3. Describe nautical almanac.
4. What is the relation between the Right ascension and Hour Angle?
5. Distinguish between sidereal time and standard time.
6. What is meant by declination?
7. What is the weight of an observation?
8. What is meant by satellite station?
1. What is meant by three point problem in hydrographic surveying?
2. Explain the term ‘Cartography’.
3. What are lunar and solar ides?
4. List two characters of contour lines
5. State the principle of EDM.
6. Define tilt displacement
7. Name the different equipments needed for soundings.
8. List the equipments used for measurement of base line.