Anna University
Department of Information Technology
1T2353 Web Technology
(Common to Computer Science Engineering)
May / June 2013 Important Questions
1. Explain in detail the working of the TCP/IP and HTTP protocols
2. Explain in detail about web client and web-server communication
3. Briefly explain any five XHTML controls
4. Explain about HTML elements in detail
5. How do you use frame collections to access objects in a separate frame on your webpage
6. Explain how functions can be written in Java script with an example
7. Explain any eight CSS text properties in detail
8. Explain the way in which java script handles arrays with example
9. State and explain the types of statements in java script?
10. Explain about the document tree in detail
11. Describe the servlet architecture and the various information invoked by the servlet container.
12. Explain DOM event handling in detail
13. What is a session? Explain how client state is maintained using session and also explain about session
tracking and session management using an example
14. List the XML syntax rules in detail and Explain how a XML document can be displayed on a browser
15. Consider the database table with the following structure Student (studentname, register_number,
Grade_obtained, Age) Write a JSP to display all the details of the Student
16. Explain the model view controller architecture pattern in detail
17. What does JSP scripting component includes? Explain with program
18. Explain how XML is processed with the help of SAX
19. Write a DTD for the following schema (emp_id, emp_name (firstname, lastname), dob(dd, mm, yyyy). address(city, state)).
20. Explain the SOAP elements and JAX RPC in detail
21. Explain in detail the XML schema, built in and user defined data type in detail
22. Explain the JDBC database connectivity in detail
23. Explain in detail the XML schema,built in and user defined data types in detail